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5 Reasons You’ll Love Outdoor Dining in North Raleigh

“So many stories begin and end at Margaux’s,” Max Trujillo mused on a recent episode of the North Carolina Food & Beverage podcast, as he and co-host Matthew Weiss sat down to talk with Margaux’s owner Steve Horowitz and Margaux’s Chef Andrew Pettifer.

It’s true: Margaux’s has been a centerpiece of the Raleigh restaurant scene since 1992, thanks in large part to the servers and staff who make Margaux’s feel like a modern-day Cheers. Whether you’re stopping in for after-work drinks, a romantic dinner date, or a private group dinner, you’ll always receive friendly smiles when you walk into Margaux’s.

When the weather is nice, you can even sit outside and soak up exquisite food, drinks, and ambiance in Margaux’s outdoor dining area. If you haven’t yet experienced the bliss of dining on Margaux’s outdoor patio, here are five things you’re going to love about it.

  1. Dine like a sophisticated European

Eating outside in an upscale restaurant is the best way to evoke the sophisticated essence of a romantic al fresco dinner in France or Italy. Margaux’s started as a French restaurant in 1992, and while we’ve shifted the menu to feature a blend of Southern and international cuisines, you’ll still find many French-inspired dishes on Margaux’s daily menu. So, when you bite into the Grilled Filet of Beef with Roquefort crumble while sitting in Margaux’s idyllic outdoor dining area, go ahead and pretend you’re a chic European—we totally get it.

  1. Relish the relaxing combination of fresh air and fresh food

Have you ever noticed that food tends to taste better when you eat outside on a gorgeous day? There’s something about breathing fresh air and feeling the breeze on your cheeks as you eat that just makes every subtle flavor come to life. Margaux’s serves only fresh meats and produce from sustainable suppliers, so you’re consuming maximum freshness when you dine outdoors at Margaux’s.

  1. Bring your dog along for a night of fine dining

Of course, your dog whines when you whisper a guilty promise that you’ll bring some leftovers home as you’re leaving for an upscale dinner, but what if you didn’t have to leave your furry friend at home? At Margaux’s, your precious pup can come with you for an evening of pet-friendly fine dining in our outdoor dining area.*

*Please keep your dog leashed and at your table throughout your meal. If your furry family member doesn’t play well with others, it’s best to keep the dog safe at home—just make sure you follow through on those dog-friendly leftovers you promised.

  1. Enjoy stimulating conversation

Outdoor dining tends to inspire people to let their guard down, which creates the perfect environment for enthralling conversations. No matter who you’re dining with, the odds are high that you will enjoy a non-stop stream of engaging conversation when you eat outside on Margaux’s enchanting patio.

  1. Admire your dining companions in a natural setting

Everyone looks stunning under the magical lights of Margaux’s outdoor dining area, so it’s the perfect place to fall in love all over again. No matter who you’re dining with, eating outside at Margaux’s will accentuate everything you love about your dining companions.

Whether you eat outside on the patio or inside in the main dining room, dining at Margaux’s is a positive, uplifting experience that’s full of potential every time. Who knows what role Margaux’s might play in beginning or ending the story of your life, so go ahead and make reservations today. To learn more about Margaux’s origin story and how they’ve adapted over the years, check out owner Steve Horowitz and Chef Andrew Pettifer’s recent appearance on the North Carolina Food & Beverage podcast.

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