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Closed September 2 & 3 for Kitchen Renovations
See you soon!

Unplug & Recharge

The best way to truly recharge is to simply unplug.  We’re all so connected to our cell phones and social media that we’ve virtually lost sight of what it’s like to have a real social experience.  Margaux’s is so committed to helping folks reconnect, that we’re putting our money where your mouth is.  Please consider checking your cell phone at the door or keeping it turned off for the duration of your meal.  By putting your distraction down, not only will truly savor the flavors of your meal and share a true and more meaningful dining experience with your tablemates – but you’ll also pick up an extra 5% off your total bill.
Getting back to the basics of re-connecting with your significant others and families & friends is what dining was created for.  Sharing the days stories or work anecdotes with loved ones.  Decompressing after a long day in the bureaucratic fields and getting centered for the next day.  Don’t forget to loosen the tie, take down that braid; take a deep breadth put those apparatuses down for 2 hours and escape in the beauty of yourselves & Margaux’s….    

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