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Five Reasons We Love Dining Out in Raleigh

Dining out is one of the simple pleasures of life, and here in Raleigh, we have a plethora of unique, locally owned restaurants that make the City of Oaks such a wonderful place to live. However, amidst the busy demands of work, school, and family, it’s easy to get complacent and forget all your favorite things about Raleigh’s best restaurants. If it’s been a while since you’ve gone out to eat, we’re willing to bet that you’ll be making dinner reservations by the time you finish reading this list of five reasons we love dining out in Raleigh:

  1. Enjoy food you’d never make at home

The most delicious meals tend to be time-consuming and labor-intensive, and since most of us don’t have live-in chefs, we end up making the same quick-fix meals on rotation. Since upscale restaurants like Margaux’s have multiple full-time chefs who are passionate about cooking, we change our menu daily to highlight our chefs’ latest creations. Margaux’s chefs use flavors from around the world to create savory dishes that you’ll wish you could make at home.

  1. Be fully present in the moment

The beautiful thing about dining out is that you can be fully present as you share a meal and connect with your loved ones. At Margaux’s in North Raleigh, we’ve cultivated a warm, upscale atmosphere that makes it easy to disconnect from the outside world for a while so you can connect with your dining companions.

  1. Dish duty is on us

Let’s face it, one of the best things about going out to eat is that you don’t have to clear the table after the meal, and you don’t even have to think about who is going to load (and then unload) the dishwasher at the end of the night. Give yourself the night off and come take advantage of Margaux’s early byrd three-course prix fixe special. You don’t have to worry about a thing—we’ll take care of the dishes.

  1. Diffuse passive-aggressive family dynamics

We all have at least one passive-aggressive relative who complains when she hosts events at her house and criticizes when you host at yours. When the whole family gathers for dinner at her house, she’ll smother everyone with a layer of guilt thicker than your grandma’s grits, so by the time you leave, you’ll feel awful that she went to all that trouble just to feed you.

If you host a family dinner at your house, she’ll drag a finger through the dust on your bookshelf and say she’s so glad you didn’t clean on her behalf. In the kitchen, she’ll insist that the barbecue chicken needs to be cooked for at least 10 more minutes, but then during dinner, she’ll mention that it’s a good thing she still has all her teeth because this chicken is awfully dry.

To avoid such maddening interactions with your passive-aggressive loved ones, switch things up and make reservations for dinner at Margaux’s instead. As one of Raleigh’s best local restaurants, we feel pretty sure our tantalizing blend of Southern, French, and Asian flavors and our fresh, locally sourced seasonal meats and produce will soften even the prickliest relatives. Who knows, once you’re immersed in the positive vibe of Margaux’s laid-back yet energetic atmosphere, you might even be able to enjoy your persnickety relative’s absurd approach to life. Maybe.

  1. Support local restaurants

Raleigh’s locally owned restaurants add diversity and character to the capitol city and serve as a jumping-off point for Raleigh’s vibrant nightlife. Local restaurants tend to support other local small businesses, so you’re supporting our local economy when you dine out at Margaux’s and other locally owned Raleigh restaurants. So go ahead and make reservations for dinner and enjoy one of the simple pleasures of life while sustaining Raleigh’s unique local flavors.

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